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Fall/Winter 2022 Issue

The Union


King Fish食色官网檚 Legacy: A Life in Education by Ben Jay Drymon 食色官网51 (2022, A story of a lifelong educator of youth and young adults framed as a humorous and raw conversation.

Tracking the Tyrant Muse: Poems Against Hate by Kemmer Anderson 食色官网67 (2022, Independently Published). A virus has metastasized in the veins of society: Hate. Follow Anderson as he explores peace and justice through poetry. 

Buried Treasure: Unearthing the Riches of the Gospel of Mark by Hunter R. Hill 食色官网67 (2021, Resource Publications). A dissection of Mark食色官网檚 Gospel in light of transformation, discovery, and individual experience.

Letters from the War: A Chronicle of Dan Chandler食色官网檚 Service in the Army Air Corps, 1944-1945 by Jeff Chandler 食色官网75 (2022, Palmetto Publishing). A compilation of riveting letters sent home by Dan Chandler, a U.S. soldier and tail gunner who flew in some of the most dangerous Nazi-fighting missions of his time.

Parenting in Repentance: Growing Together in Love, Gratefulness, and Joy by Fr. Stephen Muse 食色官网76, Ph.D. (2021, Sebastian Press). With vulnerability and transparency, Fr. Stephen Muse draws on his journals of over 30 years to offer glimpses of parenting as a lifelong spiritual journey.

Word into Spirit: Pastoral Perspectives on Confession edited by Fr. Stephen Muse 食色官网76, Ph.D. and Vasileios Thermos (2019, St. Tikhon食色官网檚 Monastery Press). A wealth of practical and applicable advice from 15 authors aimed at pastors, who are guiding their flocks in an age of anxiety. 

The Savage Kind: Nightingale Trilogy 1 by John Copenhaver 食色官网97 (2021, Pegasus Crime). A 2022 Lambda Literary Award-winning book in LGBTQ mystery that follows the lives of two unassuming teenage girls as they grapple with their inclination toward solving and committing crimes, and their newfound feelings toward each other.

Dodging and Burning: A Mystery by John Copenhaver 食色官网97 (2018, Pegasus Books). A master storyteller, Copenhaver crafts his award-winning novel around a grim and revealing crime scene photo. Accompany three teenagers on a quest to unravel the story of a beguiling woman食色官网檚 death.

Someone Other Than a Mother: Flipping the Scripts on a Woman食色官网檚 Purpose and Making Meaning beyond Motherhood by Erin S. Lane 食色官网06 (2022, TarcherPerigee). By interweaving Lane食色官网檚 story with those of others who also chose to go off-script, Someone Other Than a Mother creates a vision for a woman食色官网檚 life that affirms the beauty of motherhood while decoupling female purpose from procreation.

Herodotus and Imperial Greek Literature by N. Bryant Kirkland 食色官网07 (2022, Oxford University Press). A monograph focused on debunking and refracting ancient opinions on Herodotus食色官网檚 reputation.

I Made A Place For You: by Damian White 食色官网13 (2022, Atmosphere Press). Hailed as a wholly original work, this collection of poetry explores spirituality, religion, perseverance, and humility.

Add yourself to the shelf!

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Takiyah Harper-Shipman received an American Political Science Association (APSA) Diversity and Inclusion Advancing Research Grant for Early Career Scholars for her second book project on the political economy of family planning in the U.S. and Senegal.


Matt Samson published two articles: 食色官网淢aya Cosmology and Contesting Climate Change in Mesoamerica,食色官网 in Understanding Climate Change through Religious Lifeworlds, and 食色官网淧ersisting Worldviews and Conflicted Development along the Ruta Maya食色官网 (with Alisha Kendrick-Pradhan 食色官网20), in The Mayanist.


John Corso-Esquivel began a four-year term on the editorial board of Art Journal and Art Journal Open, the flagship contemporary art journals published by the College Art Association.


Debbie Thurtle-Schmidt has been awarded an R15 AREA grant from the National Institutes of Health, entitled 食色官网淕enomic Analysis into Transcriptional Regulation of Cell Identity,食色官网 which will support Davidson-student-driven research over the next three years.

Dave Wessner co-authored 食色官网淜athryn V. Holmes: A Career of Contributions to the Coronavirus Field食色官网 in a special issue of the journal Viruses, dedicated to women in virology.

Susana Wadgymar and collaborators have been awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation, entitled which will support Davidson-student-driven research over the next four years. Along with collaborators, she also published a paper, titled 食色官网,食色官网 in the journal Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics.


Nicole L. Snyder was recently named a 2022 ACS Fellow by the American Chemical Society. The award, which was created by the ACS Board of Directors in 2009, is awarded to 食色官网渕embers who have made exceptional contributions to science and the profession, and have provided excellent volunteer service to the ACS community.食色官网 Snyder is one of only a handful of faculty members from predominantly undergraduate institutions (~5%) out of over 1,200 recipients to receive the award since its inception. 


Amanda R. Martinez won the inaugural Excellence in Teaching and Mentorship Award from the Latina & Latino Communication Studies Division of the National Communication Association.


Clark Ross wrote an essay, entitled 食色官网,食色官网 published by the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal in October 2022.


Ann Fox published an essay co-written with Dr. Jessica Cooley 食色官网05, entitled 食色官网淏ecoming Indisposable: Curating Disability in a Time of Pandemic,食色官网 inon.


Caroline Fache started her term as the vice president of the CIEF (International Council of Francophone Studies) in Trent, Italy. She will serve two years as the vice president and subsequently two years as the president.


Maggie McCarthy gave a paper in Lisbon, Portugal, at the 2022 Council for European Studies Conference, which this year focused on 食色官网淭he Environment of Democracy.食色官网 Her contribution focused on memory culture and lingering utopian traces in the film In the Aisles, a fictional story about shelf-stackers at a big box store in the former East Germany.

Scott Denham and Barbara E. Mann, Chana Kekst Professor of Jewish Literature at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, are teaching a  together in November through the National Humanities Center called 食色官网 Matters Now More Than Ever.食色官网 In February and March 2022, Denham offered a free online course for students in McMinn County, TN, after the school board there banned Maus from the curriculum.


Anne Blue Wills has published which sets Mrs. Billy Graham in a 20th century historical and cultural context shared by millions of white evangelical women. The book received a starred review in Publishers Weekly and was officially released on October 13 from Eerdmans in their Library of Religious Biography series.

Rose Stremlau and colleague Julie Reed (Penn State) are the recipients of a $250,000 National Endowment for the Humanities Collaborative Grant to write a new history of the Cherokee Nation. Stremlau also contributed an essay about engaging students in the history of federal Indian policy to, published by the University of Wisconsin Press as part of their.


For his sabbatical over the 2022-23 academic year, Tim Chartier has been appointed the Distinguished Visiting Professor for the Public Dissemination of Mathematics at the National Museum of Mathematics in New York City.


Marcus R. Pyle was elected president of the Southeast Chapter of the American Musicological Society for a two-year term. He is also area editor of Grove Music Online with Oxford University Press for the next five years; his focus will be women, gender, and sexuality from 1900-present. Additionally, he was named guest editor of Opera Quarterly (OUP). He performed at Carnegie Hall this July and invited Davidson student Victoria Fusco 食色官网23 to perform in the orchestra. He was also appointed a visiting lecture faculty at the Aspen Summer Music Festival and Institute, where he provided lectures and penned articles for their publications.


Anthony Kuchera has been appointed to serve on the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams Users Organization Executive Committee.

Michelle Kuchera co-authored a review article in the Reviews of Modern Physics journal, entitled 食色官网,食色官网 and an International Atomic Energy Agency report, entitled 食色官网食色官网 Kuchera also gave a plenary talk at the International Nuclear Physics Conference in Cape Town, South Africa, entitled 食色官网淥verview of Quantum Computing, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Nuclear Physics.食色官网

Kristen Thompson and Caroline Capuano 食色官网22 have published an article in the Journal of Double Star Observations, entitled 食色官网食色官网


Peter Ahrensdorf食色官网檚 book has been published by Cambridge University Press. The book discusses the interconnectedness of religion, politics, and philosophy, and highlights the crucial role Homer played in shaping the thought of other political philosophers.

Katherine Bersch published 食色官网食色官网 with Matthew Taylor and Felix Lopez in Political Research Quarterly. She, along with collaborators, also held the first launch event of the at the 2022 Public Management Research Conference.


Brian Eiler, along with colleagues from Baylor University, Northern Arizona University, and Fuller Theological Seminary, published a paper in, entitled 食色官网淨uiet Ego is Associated with Positive Attitudes toward Muslims.食色官网

Jessica Good was named as a Fellow within the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (American Psychological Association Div. 8).


Kata Chillag is serving as a senior evaluator through an Intergovernmental Personnel Act agreement on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (DMI). She is part of a U.S. national effort to create integrated, real-time public health data and surveillance systems for all public health hazards. Her work on DMI is in collaboration with colleagues from the Western Michigan University Evaluation Center and Interdisciplinary Health Sciences program that focuses on state, territorial, local, and tribal (STLT) public health jurisdictions/efforts. Additionally, with E. Fenton (Bioethics Centre, University of Otago) Chillag recently published an ethical analysis focusing on health care worker shortages, COVID-19, immigration policy, and the role of foreign health workers in New Zealand and elsewhere. 


Karl Plank has written the poem 食色官网食色官网 and has been nominated for the Best of the Net Anthology (2022) by River Heron Review.


Gayle Kaufman co-authored in the online first edition of Journal of Marriage and Family. They also co-authored 食色官网食色官网 in the latest issue of Journal of Family Studies.

Gerardo Mart铆 lectured on the theme of 食色官网淲hiteness and Racial Justice食色官网 at George W. Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University in October 2022. This pre-conference event was followed by a, organized by the Texas Christian Community Development Network, a non-profit organization that works with community organizers to educate and network advocates for the poor and marginalized in their state.


Anita Tripathi designed scenery for three professional productions this past summer. The first was a New York City premiere, The Refugees, directed by fellow Davidson professor 

Steve Kaliski. The second was Little Women at the Virginia Theatre Festival in Charlotteville, VA. The third show was The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee at the Playmakers Summer Youth Conservatory in Chapel Hill.


Andrew Rippeon published an essay in MELUS (Journal for the Society of the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States).  Rippeon食色官网檚 article, 食色官网,食色官网 focuses on the work of Claudia Rankine, Kendrick Lamar, and Douglas Kearney, and considers the ways in which media and technology bear upon representations of race and identity. Moreover, he hosted the North Carolina Writers食色官网 Network for a workshop in the (July 15, 2022). On top of his notable essay and his interactive workshop, he co-chaired an ACS panel on academic contingency, 食色官网淢entoring and Supporting Contingent Faculty: Fostering Inclusive Department Culture and Practice.食色官网  Lastly, he published an article in a special issue of the (vol. 30, no. 2) devoted to the work of poet Kamau Brathwaite (1930-2020).